Near Than Far, Near Then Far / AUG 2013
Quinn Gorbutt
Aug. 1st - Sept. 1st, 2013
The show brings together works that embody the artist’s ongoing interest in a variety of working methods including photographs, drawings and works on canvas.
The included paintings are cut pieces of culled and found utilitarian canvas: drop cloths,canvas covers, etc., that are blotted and stained with the markings of their function. As artworks, the pieces operate in a way not unlike the artist’s photographs: a bringing together of disparate parts, not intended as art, but re-presented in a way that is cohesive and surprising. The phrase ‘Near Than Far’ suggests a preference for close viewing both of, and within, the artworks. Its word play counterpoint ‘Near Then Far,’ suggests the exhibitions second function: For the last year, Quinn has been working as the gallery’s Director of Exhibitions and in the fall his functions at the gallery will wane as he leaves the Boston area to pursue graduate studies in art. The exhibition will be on view through the month of August.
Quinn holds a BFA from the Massachusetts College of Art in Boston, MA. In 2011 he was awarded an Ellen Battell Stoeckel Fellowship and attended the Yale Norfolk Summer School of Art in Norfolk, CT. He is currently a Master of Fine Arts candidate at the Yale School of Art in New Haven, CT.